Services at First Christian Church will continue to happen hybrid style, both in person and online. Worship begins Sunday morning at 10:30. If you are interested in joining us online—please contact us at
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Vallejo began in September 1899. This year, we celebrated 125 years of making noise in this community. Learn all about this celebration here.
We welcome all people into our community of faith. Our "Open and Affirming" stance demonstrates our commitment to fully integrate into our church persons of all races, genders, sexual orientations, gender identities, and medical conditions. More than just allowing all people to attend our church services, we truly affirm them as fully participating members of the body of Christ in all its glorious diversity.
For more on being an Open and Affirming congregation, click here.
Come with your gifts, your pain, your hope, your fears
Come with the traditions that have helped you and hurt you
Come with your experiences that have made you and broken you
Come with a mind, ready to engage, and a heart, open to discern
Come and listen for the Sacred Spirit that calls you to love your neighbor wholeheartedly, seek justice, create peace and practice compassion
You are welcome here!
Worship begins at 10:30 am
Our worship services are where we gather (in person and online) to proclaim the good news that God has shared with us through the person of Jesus Christ. We engage in group and individual prayer, sing together, and hear the reading and preaching of God's word.
We meet around the Lord's Table every week, as that is one of our most deeply-held beliefs. We believe that communion, our weekly reenactment of Jesus Christ's last supper with his disciples, is open to all.
If you are interested in being a Worship Leader, click here.
Our Vision Statement:
We are a Christ-centered congregation in ministry to and with God's creation.
We will continue to grow in our understanding and living of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by creating a climate where every individual has the opportunity and encouragement to grow in the knowledge and love of God, empowered by the Spirit.
We will reach out in love, inviting persons into our fellowship and into relationship with God through Jesus Christ; welcoming persons, accepting them as they are; nurturing and supporting every person as they grow in their own unique ways, engaging them in worship, study, prayer and fellowship that they may deepen their relationship with God; involving each person in ministry and mission.
We will strive to be a living church, embodying God's affirming and inclusive love in relationship with each other and the world.
1035 Indiana Street, Vallejo, CA 94590
Copyright © 2025 First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Vallejo - All Rights Reserved.