Worship begins at 10:30 am - We have our worship services in person and online on Zoom.
Our worship services are where we gather to proclaim the good news that God has shared with us through the person of Jesus Christ. We engage in group and individual prayer, sing together, and hear the reading and preaching of God's word.
We meet around the Lord's Table every week, as that is one of our most deeply-held beliefs. We believe that communion, our weekly reenactment of Jesus Christ's last supper with his disciples, is open to all.
Everyone who comes to the church is invited to fully participate in our worship services. All are invited to share blessings during our blessing box celebration, prayers during the Prayers of the People or light a prayer candle. Opportunities to share are extended to those joining us on Zoom as well.
We would love to have your voice in our choir (or just singing during multiple songs throughout the service)! There are many opportunities for members to serve in worship - worship leaders, elders, and deacons all help to make our worship services as meaningful as possible.
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